How important to the outcome of my case is the location of my attorney’s office?
Answer: Location should not be the overriding concern. Whether you feel comfortable with the prospective attorney and if he or she can provide you with the six essential things you should expect from whomever you retain, should be the deciding factors.
An experienced lawyer who is also cost-conscious will not ask you to travel to his or her office very often. With all the electronic and virtual methods available, there is no reason for you to have to spend time and money at your lawyer’s office. Therefore, accessibility does not need to take precedence over an attorney with whom you feel comfortable and want to work.
Often Clients are under the assumption that he or she should hire an attorney based in the county where the Client may be filing a Complaint for Divorce. Again, you should pick an attorney based upon how well the attorney communicates with you, if you feel the attorney will make your case a priority, how much experience the attorney has dealing with the issues particular to your case and how clearly the attorney outlines his or her fees and billing practices and if he or she is willing to work with you on managing the fees and costs of Divorce.
You do want an attorney who has practiced in the county where your case will be heard –however that usually has little to do with where an attorney has an office. Most attorneys with substantial experience have practiced in most counties and before most of the Family Court judges. A good attorney knows that strategizing the case based upon the Judge is not a wise move. Further, before you file your case, you do not know who the judge will be. Additionally, the judge may retire or move during the pendency of your case.
Please be aware that some attorneys rent virtual offices for the purpose of advertising the location as a satellite office — and may not really be at all familiar with the town or the Court. Therefore, select an attorney who inspires confidence and do not limit your search to a particular location.
Making the First Call to a Divorce Lawyer
It is not always easy to make the first call to a Divorce and Family Law Attorney. When you call Rose Ellen, she will talk with you over the phone. She will not pressure you to make an appointment. She will answer your questions and will advise, however, that at whatever stage you are, the sooner you come in for a consultation the better she will be able to get you the results you want.
Rose Ellen says:
“I have been practicing law for over 20 years, concentrating in Family Law and the Divorce process. In have worked for a large downtown firm, in association with smaller firms in the suburbs and a satellite office there. Now, I have my own practice near South Station and a satellite office serving the Cape and Islands.
I offer both significant legal expertise in those areas and in Business, Contracts, and Real Estate which are often components of Divorce. I provide you with the invaluable amount of perspective that comes with that amount of time. Wherever you live or work and whatever county your case may be heard, I will try to make it convenient for us to work together. I encourage you to call or send me an email to make an appointment to discuss your situation.”
T: 617-266-1900
M: 617-828-9200